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WindowsRE: Principales commandes

WindowsRE pour Windows Recovery Environment. Liste des principales commandes disponibles depuis l'environnement de restauration en ligne de commande WinRe.

Name WinPE WinRE Explanation/Notes
arp Yes Yes The TCP/IP address resolution protocol maps between MAC and IP addresses
assoc Yes Yes Manage associations between file extensions and file types/applications
bcdedit Yes Yes Manipulate Windows Vista Boot Configuration Data store
bootcfg Yes No Enables users to manage contents of the boot.ini file (Vista uses BCD but maps to boot.ini)
bootrec No Yes WinRE’s premiere boot recovery tool (along with bootcfg)
cd Yes Yes Change/list directory command
chkdsk Yes Yes Checks layout and structure of Windows disks, with some repair capability
chknfts Yes Yes Checks layout and structure of NTFS volumes at boot time
cls Yes Yes Clears the command window
color Yes Yes Lets users set foreground (text) and background color in the command window
copy Yes Yes File copy command
date Yes Yes View or set today's date
del Yes Yes File delete command
dir Yes Yes List directory contents
diskpart Yes Yes Create, modify, and manage disk partitions at the command line
doskey Yes Yes Command line editing, recall, and macro definition tool
echo Yes Yes Repeats input text verbatim
endlocal Yes Yes Ends localization of variables in a batch environment
erase Yes Yes Deletes one or more files
exit Yes Yes Closes command window environment
find Yes Yes Search for input text string in one or more target files
format Yes Yes Format hard disk, UFD, or floppy disk
ftp Yes Yes Invoke command line File Transfer Protocol client services
ftype Yes Yes Use to display filetypes or to manipulate files by type
ipconfig Yes Yes Display or manage Windows TCP/IP configuration
md Yes Yes Make new directory (same as mkdir which is not listed here but works)
more Yes Yes Manages screen output in screen-size chunks
mountvol Yes Yes List, create, or delete a volume mount point
move Yes Yes Move files, renames files and directories
net Yes Yes A whole family of network service and function controls
netsh Yes Yes Another whole family of network service and function controls
nbtstat Yes Yes Display statistics related to NetBIOS over TCP/IP traffic on the network
netstat Yes Yes Display general TCP and UDP connections, port assignments, and activities
path Yes Yes Show or manipulate contents of the Windows path variable
pathping Yes Yes Send an orderly sequence of PING commands to all nodes on a network path
ping Yes Yes Send an ICMP echo request to some target address to assess reachability and response time
popd Yes Yes Changes to directory specified in the pushd command (command extensions must be enabled)
print Yes Yes Provides access to print services from the command line
prompt Yes Yes Changes command prompt shown in the command window to solicit input (command extensions must be enabled)
pushd Yes Yes store desired directory target for popd (command extensions must be enabled)
recover Yes Yes recover readable data from a damaged or defective disk drive
reg Yes Yes command line registry editing/inspection tool
regedit Yes Yes Both WinRE and WinPE will open the built-in Windows Registry Editor
regsvr32 Yes Yes use to register or unregister OLE and ActiveX controls, important for troubleshooting
rem Yes Yes inserts a text comment into a batch or script file
ren Yes Yes same as rename; use to rename files or directories
replace Yes Yes replace one or more files in a source directory from a target directory
rmdir Yes Yes delete directory (also rd)
robocopy Yes Yes robust file copy for Windows offers wide range of copy controls/checks
route Yes Yes inspect and manage the contents of TCP/IP static routing table
rundll32 Yes Yes manages relationships between DLLs and devices on a PC; important troubleshooting tool
set Yes Yes inspect, add, alter, or delete global environment variables
setlocal Yes Yes inspect, add, alter, or delete local environment variables
sfc Yes No system file checker; use with /verifyonly to check Windows OS files
start Yes Yes opens a separate window to run a program or command
subst Yes Yes use to associate a path with a virtual drive letter
time Yes Yes view or set current time
title Yes Yes sets title for command window
tracert Yes Yes traces all routers between sending and target Internet hosts
type Yes Yes Afficher le contenu d'un fichier texte dans la console.
ver Yes Yes displays Windows version in use (6.0.6001 for Vista SP1)
verify Yes Yes verifies accuracy of file copies upon completion
vol Yes Yes display or alter disk/volume name
xcopy Yes Yes tool for copying multiple files and entire directory structures


sysadmin/windows/commandes-winre.txt · Dernière modification : 2021/09/08 13:13 de yoann