RF: { FreqCorr = +50; # [ppm] "big" R820T sticks have 40-80ppm correction factors, measure it with gsm_scan GSM: # for frequency calibration based on GSM signals { CenterFreq = 938.4; # [MHz] find the best GSM frequency with gsm_scan Gain = 25.0; # [dB] RF input gain (beware that GSM signals are very strong !) } ; } ; Position: { Latitude = +43.0081; # [deg] Antenna coordinates Longitude = +1.1104; # [deg] Altitude = 417; # [m] Altitude above sea leavel GeoidSepar = 49; # [m] Geoid separation: FLARM transmits GPS altitude, APRS uses means Sea level altitude } ; APRS: { Call = "LFCG"; # APRS callsign (max. 9 characters) # Please refer to http://wiki.glidernet.org/receiver-naming-convention } ;