La commande retourne les messages suivants
* Serving Flask app 'views'
* Debug mode: off
... g on
Press CTRL+C to quit
Ouvrir le Navigateur et dans la barre d'adresse... oujours :
<code bash>
python3 ./
* Serving Flask app 'fbapp.views'
* Debug mode... ebugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 752-367-225
===== Créez le fichier de configuration =====
ssemblera la base de données de notre projet :
| Content |
|------... on |
| gender |
==== Interrogez une base ====
Pour interagir a... os
basedir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) )
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + os.
fig options - Make sure you created a '' file.
# To get one variable, tape app.config['MY_VARIA... fig options - Make sure you created a '' file.
# To get one variable, tape app.config['MY_VARIA... fig options - Make sure you created a '' file.
# To get one variable, tape app.config['MY_VARIA
fig options - Make sure you created a '' file.
# To get one variable, tape app.config['MY_VARIA... fig options - Make sure you created a '' file.
# To get one variable, tape app.config['MY_VARIA